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Experience lalaland for yourself with Our Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Arnica CBD Magnesium Lotion

Playing Soccer with family

NO aches NO pains

Our CBD pet oil provides all these benefits for your furry companions

What does CBD help with?

  • Anxiety

  • Restless leg syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Pain

  • Inflammation

  • Improves Sleep

  • Boosts your immunity

  • Stimulates hair growth

  • Stress

  • Improves bone strength

Whats popular?

Eucalyptus | Lavender

Happy dog after using CBD norwegian salmon oil

Norwegian Salmon

CBD products

Isolate |


Magnsium flakes

Real people, real results

Beach at Sunset

I suffer anxiety disorder and inflammed cartilage, your products have helped me a great deal whether I'm taking in some drops or topical application for pain and inflammation.❤️


Our senior Spaniel is doing extremely well since we started giving him the Norwegian salmon oil CBD drops at night. His mood has improved and the arthritic symptoms are much better. The team at JOOCYM are a pleasure to talk to and be helped by!

Grace G

Bought for my husband who suffers from anxiety and sleep issues. This helps him unwind and relax when hes very stressed 



Skip the Chemicals, Embrace the Plant: 

Your Guide to Natural Wellness with CBD

The ECS handles regulating a variety of physiological processes. These include but are not limited to mood, sleep, appetite, and pain.

Why shop with JOOCYM?

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On orders over R500

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Third party lab tested

Safe Payments

Know someone feeling overwhelmed?

Send them a little peace with our CBD e-gift card.

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